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D-Mannose - Pure

$25.00 AUD per 50 grams

About D-Mannose - Pure

D-Mannose is a safe, simple sugar that occurs naturally in peaches, apples, berries, and certain trees. Unlike antibiotics, D-Mannose does not kill any bacteria but simply displaces them, thereby discouraging them from attaching to the wall of the bladder or urinary tract. In addition, because the body metabolizes only small amounts of D Mannose and excretes the rest in the urine, it does not interfere with blood-sugar regulation, even in diabetics. D-Mannose can be used by men, women, children, and even many pets.

Antibiotics kill unwanted micro-organisms, but they can also kill many friendly micro-organisms. Many different bacteria that live within our digestive system are essential for proper digestion and good health. By contrast, D-Mannose does not kill bacteria. It simply helps to flush E.coli out of the urinary tract. As an extra bonus, D-Mannose actually tastes good!

The cell walls of each E.coli are covered with tiny fingerlike projections. The tips of these projections are an amino acid-sugar complex, a glycoprotein also called a lectin. E.coli lectins have the unfortunate capability of enabling the bacteria to stick to the inside walls of our bladders and urinary tracts, so they can't be rinsed out by urination.

Fortunately, D-Mannose sticks to E.coli lectins even better than E.coli lectin sticks to human cells. When we take a large quantity of D-Mannose, almost all of it spills into the urine through our kidneys, literally coating any E.coli present so they can no longer stick to the inside walls of the bladder and urinary tract (2, 3, 4). The E.coli are literally rinsed away with normal urination!

Weight / Volume
50 grams

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