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About Black Beans
Black beans are packed with fiber and protein. That means they'll satisfy even the most intense hunger, and will keep you feeling full and energetic for hours. Black beans help to regulate your body's glucose level throughout the day, which means your metabolism will be chugging away at top speed, burning through any extra calories you've taken on so that you can stay slim and trim. Plus, the fiber content of black beans will help you beat cholesterol. The soluble fiber in black beans binds with the bile acids in your system and carry them out of your body, making it impossible for those acids to become cholesterol. This is great news for your heart health, and can dramatically reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Black beans also pack a large amount of insoluble fiber, which is key fuel for your digestive system, and helps keep your whole digestive tract in top shape, preventing a wide range of ailments, including short-term bouts of constipation and chronic conditions like diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome. Plus, black beans are high in antioxidants called anthocyanins, which help fight the free radicals in your system, so black beans are a powerful nutritional weapon in the fight against cancer and the aging process. Black beans are also high in iron and manganese, two important building blocks of a healthy overall diet.
Weight / Volume
500 grams